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Walnut oat pumpkin spice

Walnut oat pumpkin spice … all things nice …very nice!

If I were you, I’d enjoy these at breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner. You wonder why?

Here is why:

Oats are high in vitamins and minerals that lower blood pressure which also improves the heart. This includes magnesium, potassium, calcium, B vitamins, and iron. They’re even a great alternative to meat since they have 5 grams of protein and contain only 3 grams of fat per half cup.

Walnuts contain higher amounts of omega-3 fatty acids than any type of nut. Omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation in the brain and heart, and they also help the body produce serotonin to enhance mood health naturally.


Grab this seasonal goody at your local San Ramon Farmers market (ask me for schedule) or on my website shop. They are off the shelf in November and only available to club members. Sign up here to become a club member!

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Written by: Nishi Bhonsle

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